Eligible Players
Players must be in 1st or 2nd Grade during the 2024/25 school year.
Players are encouraged to wear basketball sneakers. All other equipment will be provided.
Players must be registered for the Springfield Athletic Association annual membership fee.
League Specifications
Games will consist of approximately twenty (20) minutes of drills and practice followed by games of four (4) 8-minute running clock quarters.
Practices/games will be held at the Gold Gym in Springfield High School.
Season Dates
The season typically runs December through February on Sunday mornings.
Season Expectations
The primary focus is the joy of basketball, learning to play and socialize with new people, and building confidence by learning to overcome one's own mistakes or shortcomings.
Teammate Requests
While not guaranteed, teammate requests will be considered by each player requesting a similar coach. If you don't know a coach, please consider volunteering.
Dave Vanore